Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Be Heard! Know Your Voice!

If you feel strongly about something ~
If it aches inside of you ~
If it yearns deeply enough to be . . . . 

Somebody told you it is alright to be different. You feel firm in your belief, that being different is just fine. Ah yes! We have all used these lines before. However, they were meant for a lame attempt, at best, to make a point to your parents for some poor choice that you made as a teenager.  

No, you aren't required to reinvent the wheel. What you want to do is recognize what makes your wheel unique. Your wheel stands proudly and confidently above the rest. There should be nothing quirky about your wheel. Quirky means fleeting. 

Be prepared to spend time. Lots of time on your idea. Time does mean money, and negative amounts of money. Do you have the savings to get you through the months of creating, editing, recreating, more edits, and rejection. There will be a time that you need to walk away from the concept, and have a "me" day! Clearing your head will allow the idea to take on a new life. Remain committed to your goal, and you will see it come to fruition. 

You will need strength. The course that leads you to your goal, will require an enormous amount of mental and physical energy. Expect the mind to go into overdrive in the middle of the night. {This is your ambition spinning towards progress.} Ambition will guide you, but depriving yourself of a good night of sleep will not.

Be professional at all times. Knowing the right team to support your efforts is critical. You will need a lawyer, and YOU need to vet them out! You will need to create a company through your State and Federal sites. You don't have to be the expert here, you need to hire the right expert.
This will be discussed in the future Post: "Start Up Ventures ~ Creating a Business Plan"


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