Monday, February 22, 2010


Fashion and Trends are critical to becoming confident and capturing your personal strengths.  

While sitting in the front row of a recent fashion show in New York City, I smiled and enjoyed the interpretation of what must haves belong in our closets.  I want to make it perfectly clear that 7-inch heels did not make it on my list. As a matter of fact, the model who wore those shoes  ~ fell, picked herself up, immediately fell again, and quickly removed the shoes. Cute shoes! Looked like the model thought they felt most comfortable in her hands.

As an established entrepreneur, I often have meetings in conference rooms in New York , L.A., Atlanta, Paris, and Cabo. Walking into a room with heels that belong in a nightclub just will not fly with my colleagues. I must say that flats, although comfortable, are an absolute don't as well.

Own the moment. 
A business moment, means knowing your sense of purpose for that day.
A casual day with family or friends, means no rest for you! Continue to take care of your body and mind. 
Your confidence strengthens when you stay in control of the multiple lives you manage. 
Those around you; partners (business and personal,) friends, family members, even strangers will notice your resilience and ability to remain your Personal Best!

Jennifer Aniston

~ HW

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Had an amazing chat with a partner on an upcoming endeavor!

This is going to really gain national exposure, and we can't wait!
The hardest part, is waiting to go to HOTLANTA in two weeks.

In the meantime, I have been engrossed in these Olympics! What amazing athletes! 

There are a few rules I follow when business and private time might overlap.
Lunchtime is ALWYAS phone free. How rude is it to put your phone on the table? Someone invented Voice Mail, and you pay for it....use it!  

I can spend time working on vacation, however .... my health requires that I have mental down time.  I am laughing and smiling and giggling...... all STRESS FREE!

I returned to twitter to check in on a few friends and colleagues.

Take time for yourself, and grow stronger mentally and physically!

~ HM

Friday, February 12, 2010

Let the Games Begin

There are so many wonderful people in Vancouver.   The crispness in the air, the excitement of the tourists, the support of the town, combine them all with the passion of the athletes, and these 2010 Winter Games are going to be magnificent! 

The opening ceremonies will surely delight those lucky enough to be there, as well as the worldwide audience.  The anticipation of the opening ceremonies is one that takes over and thrills so many.  I can't wait to make my way over to Vancouver's B.C. Place stadium.  Mark Grimmette has the honor of proudly carrying the American flag.  Mark has the spirit that represents an Olympic Athlete. Mark loves the sport that chose to hold a special place in his heart. Mark isn't a wealthy or well-known athlete. Mark is unassuming yet passionate, and always wears that smile on his face. His numerous medals are tucked away in a sock drawer at home.  Mark's strength and determination led his USA teammates to choose him as the bearer of dreams, promise of delight, and drive of an athlete ~ AN OLYMPIC AHLETE! We look forward to cheering Mark and he rest of the USA Team as they enter the stadium.

Don't forget to get your Winter Olympic App!
Here are a few others to check out:

BlackBerryNBC Olympic Mobile 
This is a free app in App World, from a user comment it looks like it's basically a web shortcut to their mobile site, but if you want quick 1 click access to the Olympic news then having this could be useful for getting the latest news, video, and live results on your BlackBerry.

iPhoneNBC Olympics on AT&T
Another free app, has a god search feature to quickly find the content you want, ability to mark favorites, video(only available to US users), push notification and more, definitely worth a look on your iPhone/iPod Touch

Android: Vancouver Olympics 2010 News
This is free in the market, looks pretty basic, a feed reader with brief portions of articles displayed and tapping the story opens in in your browser. If you don't want a big app, then this may be useful.

Windows MobileWow Samsung Vancouver 2010 App
Track news, weather, medal count and more on this free app from Samsung.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Allowing the inner you to surface

Last night was Saturday Blues at Black's! What a wonderful way to catch up with friends, and watch the town fill up with Olympic athletes and their supporters.  Sean Rose is The local Blue's Man! He is amazing! It is evident from the crowd, that this local Blues Man has dared to become someone, and achieved that status. Wait for the launch of the Olympics, and the exposure Sean will be enormous!

Looking forward to uncovering many more hidden gems in this wonderful town!

~ HM

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Vancouver 2010 App

The official Mobile Spectator Guide for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games is available as a free download from the App Store. The Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games Spectator App provides a location-aware schedule detailing more than 2,000 sport and cultural events taking place during the Winter Olympic Games.  Users will be able to mark favorite events, see real-time event results for every sport, as well as access maps and turn-by-turn directions to venues.