Sunday, February 21, 2010


Had an amazing chat with a partner on an upcoming endeavor!

This is going to really gain national exposure, and we can't wait!
The hardest part, is waiting to go to HOTLANTA in two weeks.

In the meantime, I have been engrossed in these Olympics! What amazing athletes! 

There are a few rules I follow when business and private time might overlap.
Lunchtime is ALWYAS phone free. How rude is it to put your phone on the table? Someone invented Voice Mail, and you pay for it....use it!  

I can spend time working on vacation, however .... my health requires that I have mental down time.  I am laughing and smiling and giggling...... all STRESS FREE!

I returned to twitter to check in on a few friends and colleagues.

Take time for yourself, and grow stronger mentally and physically!

~ HM

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