Monday, February 22, 2010


Fashion and Trends are critical to becoming confident and capturing your personal strengths.  

While sitting in the front row of a recent fashion show in New York City, I smiled and enjoyed the interpretation of what must haves belong in our closets.  I want to make it perfectly clear that 7-inch heels did not make it on my list. As a matter of fact, the model who wore those shoes  ~ fell, picked herself up, immediately fell again, and quickly removed the shoes. Cute shoes! Looked like the model thought they felt most comfortable in her hands.

As an established entrepreneur, I often have meetings in conference rooms in New York , L.A., Atlanta, Paris, and Cabo. Walking into a room with heels that belong in a nightclub just will not fly with my colleagues. I must say that flats, although comfortable, are an absolute don't as well.

Own the moment. 
A business moment, means knowing your sense of purpose for that day.
A casual day with family or friends, means no rest for you! Continue to take care of your body and mind. 
Your confidence strengthens when you stay in control of the multiple lives you manage. 
Those around you; partners (business and personal,) friends, family members, even strangers will notice your resilience and ability to remain your Personal Best!

Jennifer Aniston

~ HW

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